State Member Benefits
- State member benefits include:
- Updated website with Members Only privileges (e.g. presentations, educational resources, LinkedIn Group)
- Institutional knowledge and subject matter experts in the beverage alcohol industry
- Information on current issues and events in the industry and regulatory arena
- Attendance at the Annual national conference and two regional conferences
- Travel subsidy program for State members with a travel ban to support costs of attending NCSLA conferences
- Networking with key State and Federal Beverage Alcohol regulators and agency personnel
- Networking with industry (suppliers, wholesalers, retailers), trade associations, attorneys and other specialists
- Opportunity to participate in conference panels
- An option to support tourism and showcase your State by hosting a conference
- Past Best Practices awards program and sharing of best practices
- CLE Accreditation
- And more!
- Membership dues are only $300 per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) and benefits apply to the entire agency (not just an individual). Many have recognized this is a GREAT VALUE and budget-friendly even in the current economic climate.
Should you have any questions about membership or benefits please contact:
Jenna Ayala, Executive Director National
Conference of State Liquor Administrators
330 West 38th Street, Suite 1105
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 212-686-6874