Associate Member Benefits
Become an Associate Member!
Benefits include:
- Networking with key State and Federal Beverage Alcohol regulators and agency personnel
- Networking with industry (suppliers, wholesalers, retailers), trade associations, attorneys and other specialists
- Attendance at the Annual national conference and two regional conferences
- Information on current issues and events in the industry and regulatory arena
- Institutional knowledge and subject matter experts in the beverage alcohol industry
- Updated website with Members Only privileges (e.g. presentations, educational resources, LinkedIn Group)
- Opportunity to participate in planning committees and conference panels
- Best Practices awards program and sharing of best practices
- CLE Accreditation
- And more!
Membership category and dues amount are outlined here and based upon the nature, scope and size of the business or organization. Benefits apply to the entire business entity (not just an individual) per fiscal year. Membership year is July 1 through June 30. Many have recognized this is a GREAT VALUE and budget-friendly even in the current economic climate!
Joining is easy! To become a member just complete the online application form.
Thank you for your interest in NCSLA and we look forward to your future participation.
Should you have any questions about membership or benefits please contact:
Jenna Ayala, Executive Director National
Conference of State Liquor Administrators
330 West 38th Street, Suite 1105
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 212-686-6874